
Sales Subsystem STATUS

Employees must log onto the system to access the Sales subsystem. In-Store Sales must only allow authenicated users within the Clerk Role to have access to this subsystem. The Employee full name must appear somewhere on the form.

The Sales subsystem handles all in-store sales of products as well as refunds.

In-Store Sales

Customers bring products to the counter for in-store purchases and the employee records each item in the screen on the employee’s till. Items can be added and removed from the sales and the quantities can be edited; refresh the item subtotals when the refresh icon is clicked (refresh).

Alternatively, you can choose to have the price automatically refresh when the focus is removed from the Quantity input for each item.

In-Store Sales

When the customer pays, the employee clicks the Payment button and the entire sale is updated and processed as a single transaction.

The following rules should be considered in the behavior of in-store sales.


Customer may bring items back for a refund, provided that they show their original receipt and that they give a reason for each item refunded. Currently, we only accept original-quantity refunds on items returned. Confectionary items are non-refundable.

*TIP: To make your coding easier, improve the autogenerated navigational property names on Invoice and StoreRefund entities by renaming them according to the Sales Modifications


Use the following rules when processing returns.


The Sales subsystem uses the following tables in the database. Note that references to EmployeeID should be resolved against the logged-in user.